Pray For The Pope For The Sake Of Fatima!

It is no secret. Pope Francis has an incredible track record of scandalizing the faithful whether they recognize it or not. In fact, I was going to compile a list of the scandals Pope Francis has brought to the tradition of the faith but upon scrolling through my Facebook feed I found that someone had already beat me to the punch. It was of course not detailed but summarized in a way to give a general outline of the stumbling blocks our current Pope has laid before the Catholic faithful by his actions and words (whether he was ignorant to their consequences or not). I would like to present that exact list:


2016 – Released a video promoting his prayer intentions featuring Muslim prayer beads, a Buddha statue, and Menorah, but no cross; Changed Roman Missal to include women in Holy Thursday foot-washing; Lutherans received Holy Communion at Saint Peter’s Basilica; Announced he will participate in a joint ceremony with the World Lutheran Federation to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation; Suggested that John the Baptist doubted that Jesus Christ was the Messiah; Taught priests that those confessing need not verbalize their sins but can confess through ‘the language of the gesture’; Proclaimed that a political candidate is ‘not a Christian’; Approved of contraception in special circumstances; Praised an abortion rights advocate…

2015 – Claimed lost souls do not go to Hell; Joked about the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ; Claimed that Jesus begged his parents for forgiveness and the Virgin Mary ‘reproached’ Christ; Became PETA’s Man of the Year; Met with a transgender dubbed ‘The Devil’s Daughter’; Left Lutherans wondering if they can now take Communion in the Catholic Church; Routinely scolded and mocked ‘rigid’ Catholics; Projected images of animals and humanity onto Saint Peter’s for climate change support on the Feast day of the Immaculate Conception…

2014 – Held the first Muslim/Jewish prayers and Koran readings at the Vatican; Sent an iPhone message to evangelicals through prosperity-gospel millionaire TV preacher Kenneth Copeland; Peace doves attacked; Said to ‘scold the Lord’ and also that he would baptize aliens; Cover of Rolling Stone; Accidentally said ‘the F word’; Cardinal Dolan claimed Francis said ‘Catholic Church should not dismiss gay marriage’; Mentioned re-thinking celibacy for priests; Initial synod document suggested shift in Church’s position on homosexuality, but was revised; Compared Islamic terrorists to Christian fundamentalists…

2013 – Pope Benedict XVI resigned and lighting struck Saint Peter’s Dome hours later; Masonic lodges officially congratulated Jorge Bergoglio on becoming Pope Francis and wrote ‘nothing will be as it was before’; Pope Francis claimed that the miracle of Jesus multiplying the bread and fish was really a miracle of ‘sharing’, not multiplying; Said ‘Who am I to judge?’ about gay priests; The National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League tweeted ‘Thank you Pope Francis from prochoice women everywhere’; Said we are ‘living in the myth of Shiva’; Cover of the leading LGBT magazine, The Advocate; Said Atheists Who Do Good Are Redeemed; Started taking selfies with fans…

Amazing, isn’t it? Almost unheard of that the Pope of the Catholic Church could engage into so much revolutionary, scandalous, questionable, confusing, and frightening words/actions/events/occurrences/etc. But even with this list and unfortunately probably more to come, the Catholic faithful have a duty to pray for him. That’s right, we STILL do! Some of you that read this now, I can already feel you shrinking away but I am right and you know it. Some of you will argue that there is reason to believe that he is not the Pope because we have evidence that he along with Jorge Bergoglio’s supports broke the rules of Conclave laid down by John Paul II. But what is true is that with all that is available to us and out in the open, he is Pope! And though he may say and do things that undermine the Catholic faith, we are obligated to pray and do penance for him so that he may receive graces to turn to the light of Catholic truth. Are we to imitate his revolutionary ‘gospel’, of course not! There is a difference between obedience to the truth and blindness to the truth. Many unfortunate Catholics are of the frame of mind that when a Pope speaks he is infallible and that is simply not the truth. A Pope rarely speaks infallibly (Ex Cathedra) and when he does it must conform to the Tradition/Dogmas/Doctrines of the Church otherwise it isn’t infallible! But yes, we are to pray for the Pope as often as possible so that he may work to use the authority for the advancement of Christ’s Kingdom. But what decisive action or collection of graces should Catholics pray for Pope Francis?

The Total Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

I have heard someone ask once, “I believe God gave him grace to become the Pope but why hasn’t he been given the grace to consecrate Russia to Mary’s Immaculate Heart?” The Pope may have these graces if we pray for him! He needs our prayers, not to continue confusing the faithful but bringing about Christ’s justice and true mercy. This, however, is not a maybe scenario, the consecration WILL happen because Our Lady said so as she also predicted, as reported on

(1) the end of World War I;

(2) the emergence of Russia as a world power which would “spread its errors (including Communism) throughout the world … raising up wars and persecutions against the Church”;

(3) the election of a Pope who would be named Pius XI;

(4) the waging of a second World War following a strange light in the night sky.

The Message of Fatima also predicted that if the requests of the Virgin Mary at Fatima are not honored, many souls will be lost, “the Holy Father will have much to suffer”, there will be further wars and persecutions of the Church and “various nations will be annihilated.” The annihilation of nations predicted at Fatima has not yet occurred, but many fear that it will soon happen, given the growing immorality and corruption of the world.

Our Lady’s Request and words,

The moment has come when God asks the Holy Father to make, in union with all the bishops of the world, the Consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart, promising to save it by this means.

‘So numerous are the souls which the justice of God condemns for sins committed against Me, that I come to ask for Reparation. Sacrifice yourself for this intention and pray.’

If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace. The war is going to end (WWI); but if people do not cease offending God, a worse one will break out during the reign of Pius XI (WWII). When you see an unknown light, know that this is the great sign given you by God that He is about to punish the world for its crimes, by means of war, famine, and persecutions of the Church and the Holy Father.

“To prevent this, I shall come to ask for the Consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart, and the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays. If My requests are heeded, Russia will be converted, and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated.”

In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to Me, and she will be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world.”

By the Pope leading all the world’s bishops to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the period of peace and restoration given place in the world will show the world over that the Catholic Church has God’s authority especially in the Papacy as Christ not only wants the world to recognize His Church but also His Immaculate Mother. This will undoubtedly lead to the conversion of many especially in Russia where but a few practice Eastern Orthodoxy. This singular event will be the cause for Eastern Orthodox to convert to Roman Catholicism and close the gap between the two and their conversion will also bring with them the love of tradition that we so earnestly need to return to.

But until this happens, we will likely see the world continually offending God. This is why Our Lady asked us to do Reparations and pray daily the Most Holy Rosary for this consecration to occur. Christ has decreed that the Roman Catholic Church is the Pillar and Ground of Truth and must therefore, by the authority granted to it by the Seat of Peter and the Holy See, conquer all lands by making disciples of all nations. He also wishes His Mother’s Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart be placed along side His Sacred Heart and offer His mother to us as our last remedy for peace and healing. But this will be prolonged and many more souls will perish if we do not steadfastly pray for the one man who can set out and accomplish it…Pope Francis.

Russian Sunrise – Just Imagine What it would be Like

Let Us Pray

Lord God have mercy on us but he is our Holy Father and by your Holy will, you have placed him there. Let nothing else harm the Church as we continuously offer up penance for not only the conversion of sinners but the completion of Your Heavenly mandate interceded by Our Lady. Through the power and authority You, oh Lord, have given this August Queen, let it be so that Pope Francis be given all graces to accomplish this authoritative act to command all the world’s bishops to follow him in consecrating Russia to the Blessed Virgin Mary’s Immaculate Heart! Put down that vile serpent, the dragon that makes war with You, Your Church, and Your Immaculate Mother so far under out feet so as to crush his head with Our Lady as she and her Immaculate Heart Triumph over the abyss. May the Heavenly angels assist and minister to those in the highest ranks of the Church in accomplishing this goal and drive from it all traces of foes that boast against Christ and His throne.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Have Mercy on Us!

Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for Us and Triumph for Peace and Restoration!



About Jonathan Brooks

I am a practicing Catholic, who adheres to the Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church. I firmly and devoutly proclaim that the Roman Catholic Church is in fact the true and legitimate authority on the earth as Christ established it to provide the truth for the means of salvation. I also promote the Social Reign of Christ the King as not only a moral need but of law and necessity for the sake of humanity's salvation. I champion the Holy Rosary as well as the message of Our Lady of Fatima. I pray not only for the solemn consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary but also for the conversion of all people to the Catholic Church as the Church is likened to Noah's Ark of which no man may be saved lest he board this sacred vessel. For the Glory of God, I intend to make great use of the indissoluble and eternal doctrinal/dogmatic teachings of the Catholic Church to not only combat against the forces of Satan (Freemasonry, Satanism, Modernism, Socialism, Communism, etc.) but also to edify and God willing add souls to the Mystical Body of Christ.
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